Business Identifier Code (BIC)

Business Identifier Code (BIC) or S.W.I.F.T. code is a unique identification code of a bank or any other participant in financial settlements, which is used when transferring funds from one country to another between banks participating in the BIC / SWIFT system, according to the ISO 9362 standard.
A BIC code is a unique identification code of a bank or any other participant in financial calculations that are assigned to a participant in joining the Society of World Interbank Financial Telecommunications, which is used for international money transfers between banks.

What does BIC code mean?

According to the standard, a Business Identifier Code code is a digital combination of 8 or 11 characters. It consists of letters or a combination of letters and numbers, and looks like:
Each letter group of the code means the following:

  1. BBBB is a unique letter code of a bank or financial institution. It always consists of four characters and identifies the participant in the calculations.
  2. CC is a two-character alphabetic country code according to the ISO 3166.
  3. LL – an alphanumeric code for the location of the bank in the country, consisting of two characters.
  4. DDD – bank branch code

SWIFT is an electronic payment providing system that operates between banks in more than 200 countries of the world.
The following currencies are available:

  • US dollars
  • Russian rubles;
  • Swiss francs
  • British pounds;
  • Euro.